Florian Mertens

Florian Mertens

A lawyer living in Stuttgart, Germany, with wife and three children. I was a middle distance runner when younger, got into long distance cycling in 2020 and have since competed in several events including Hope 1000 2021 and 2023, Italy Divide 2022, 24h MTB World Championships in Finale Ligure 2022, Three Peaks Bike Race 2024, Istraland 2022 (scratched) and finished 2023.

Written by Florian Mertens

Race Reports

Istra Land 2024

Istra Land has been designed to unveil the secrets of the three colors of Istria County: White Istria, as the limestones around the mountain peaks; Grey (or Yellow) Istria, as the fertile inner lands; and Red Istria, as the clayey land near the coastline.

Jun 7th 2024

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