The Great British Escapade 2024

Canterbury, Kent

A weekend event which grows in popularity every year. Starting in the South East of England this adventure takes in many a bridleway and byway, with the famed North and South Downs en route.

16:00, 6 June, 2024

Distance — Elevation




Covered By:

Supported byFollow My Challange


Total Racers: 103

Scratched: 30% ( 31 )

Finished: 67% ( 69 )

  • 1stLiam Manser (Winner)
  • 2ndRob Roy Cameron (Finished)
  • 3rdRandal Davison (Finished)
  • 4thTom Stocker (Finished)
  • 5thPeter Clifton (Finished)
  • 6thFrancis Barnett (Finished)
  • 7thSteve James (Finished)
  • 8thAlex Beattie (Finished)
  • 9thMiroslav Chrapka (Finished)
  • 10thJosephine Blunt (Finished)

Events Feed

This race is yet to start. When the riders set off, we'll provide detailed updates from the ground. Our expert commentators will provide written and photo commentary to better understand what is happening on the map. In the meantime, take a look at the route in the tracking panel and learn more about racing from our features and results. If you'd like to commentate for this race, please email