DEAD ENDS & dolci 2023

Bellinzona, Switzerland

The five checkpoints are situated in very remote, beautiful areas of Ticino, Switzerland, each at the end of a dead end road. This is certainly one for the grimpeurs with a sweet tooth!

04:00, 28 April, 2023

Distance — Elevation




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Key Events

As the race commences, the key events and happenings will be tagged here.


View full results

Supported byFollow My Challange

Total Racers: 120

Scratched: 8% ( 9 )

Finished: 89% ( 107 )


  • 1stGuido Toscanelli Franklin (Winner)
  • 2ndJustinas Leveika (Finished)
  • 3rdAlexander Kopp (Finished)
  • 4thManuel Truccolo (Finished)
  • 5thSebastian Sarx (Finished)
  • 6thLoic Marin Lamellet (Finished)
  • 7thHannes Meyle (Finished)
  • 8thChristian Holweck (Finished)
  • 9thAxel Brenner (Finished)
  • 10thDavid Geraci (Finished)


  • 1stBen Lerch & Daniel Hofstetter (Winner)
  • 2ndChris Thomas & Sam Thomas (Winner)
  • 3rdHannah Fehrle & Martin Moritz (Finished)
  • 4thLoïc Tosco & Ludovic Vienne (Finished)
  • 5thSimi Ernst & Denise Morf (Finished)
  • 6thMarc Egger & Remo Wild (Finished)
  • 7thEllen Martin & Nicole Albrecher (Finished)
  • 8thCharlotte Brandt & Mathias Jäger (Finished)
  • 9thLea Hamberger & Caroline Pommerening (Finished)
  • 10thMadeleine Bähr & Christian Zeman (Finished)

Events Feed

This race is yet to start. When the riders set off, we'll provide detailed updates from the ground. Our expert commentators will provide written and photo commentary to better understand what is happening on the map. In the meantime, take a look at the route in the tracking panel and learn more about racing from our features and results. If you'd like to commentate for this race, please email